6th Grade Art Activities

6th Graders were challenged with this 'coming and going' art project. Construction paper was accordian folded - 1 1/2 sheets was needed to make enough folds for all the strips. The students choose 2 calendar pictures and cut them into strips - about 1 inch wide. The strips for one picture was glued to one side of the folds and picture 2 was glued to the opposite side of fold. Depending on your viewing angle you could see one picture then move to see the other.

6th Graders : We drew 4 intersecting lines through a paper which was 12x12. We discussed convex and concave lines. In each section they alternated convex and concave lines. They used two colors and filled in the lines in each section. They used regular markers and used a sharpie to highlight the main lines.

6th grade : Feeling a Little Boxed In??
6th graders worked on these one point perspective rooms. I gave them a white paper 9x11. A 4x6 black rectangle was glued to the middle. The students drew lines out from each corner. Parallel lines were drawn around the rectangle. Then a small pencil dot was placed in the middle of the rectangle. The students used their rulers to draw lines out from the center through each wall. The students colored the wall grids in any pattern desired. The students posed for a picture which was printed 4x6 to cover the black box. Sharpies were used by some to outline the lines better. Crayon was used to color the grids.